The giant squid are very elusive, usually are not seen by the human eye, but one four-meter-long squid has decided to do a little demonstration for a group of Japanese viewers on Christmas Eve.
The massive orange-and-white squid appeared to swim near the boat docked in Toyama Bay on the west coast of Japan. Such a giant squids live deep under water and are usually only seen floating dead on the surface of the ocean or washed up on beaches.

In social media had become a huge movement after the publication of photos and cutscene, where you can admire the extremely rare squid. Architeuthis is the largest species of squid, squid record that has ever been captured was registered by scientists and measured the 13 meters long and weighed about 1 ton.

It is estimated that squid can live up to five years, so they grow a lot and quickly. At this time, reproducing only once.
What do you think about such an amazing discovery?
Source: Interesujace